I'M BACK!!!! I've been away for a couple of months dealing with life, work, family, holidays, etc. and ended up being too tired to really do anything about my Space Wolves. Well now, it's time to keep one of the New Year's resolutions that I made for 2010: Actually get an army completed and on the gaming table. True, my life is busier than I care to discuss, but being a husband and father of three daughters AND having a wife that works straight afternoon shifts should be no reason that I can't sneak a little time for myself and return to my favorite hobby, right?
So, I've picked up my codex, clippers, and glue and decided to get back to work on my Space Wolves. I initially had a 1,500 point list that I ended up changing a couple of time, so I figured that I might as well start over. One of the other things I plan on doing, aside from re-reading the codex again cover to cover, is to immerse myself in the history of the northmen and the Norse mythology. I'm betting that I'll be able to dig up a ton information that I can use to flesh out my collection. And that's just for starters.
All of that said, I better get busy. Now where did I put my Thor comic books?
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